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Stan Waterman Film Collection

Stanton A. Waterman is a five-time Emmy winning cinematographer and underwater film producer.

Season 1 1 Episodes

The Lost Treasure of Conception
Episode 1

Season 2 2 Episodes

Off the Wall
Episode 1
Unlimited Air
Episode 2

Season 3 2 Episodes

Beyond Jaws
Episode 1
A Quick Trip to Three Oceans
Episode 2

Season 4 2 Episodes

Roughing it in the Coral Sea
Episode 1
Fins to the Right, Fins to the Left
Episode 2

Season 5 3 Episodes

Mora Wheels
Episode 1
Genesis 1:27
Episode 2
A Biting Kind of Shark
Episode 3

Season 6 1 Episodes

The War Reefs
Episode 1

Season 7 3 Episodes

Peter and the Shark
Episode 1
The Call of the Running Tide
Episode 2
The Last of the Right Whales
Episode 3

Season 8 4 Episodes

The Best of Caymans
Episode 1
The Sinai Reefs
Episode 2
Belize: A Diving Holiday
Episode 3
Stella Maris
Episode 4

Season 9 4 Episodes

Jacki’s World
Episode 1
There’s An Eel In My BC
Episode 2
A People’s Trust
Episode 3
Curacao, Diving Plus
Episode 4

Season 10 3 Episodes

A Sixtieth At ƒ Eight
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
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